dandelon.com Logotype
Scientific Search Engine - crosslingual - collaborative

Who we are and what you get

dandelon.com is an independent academic library catalogue produced by a sharing community of libraries in Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. We capture tables of contents of printed and electronic books and run AI based translation in 135 languages and deep indexing. So you can search more specific than with normal library subject indexing. Main subjects areas are social science, economics, natural science, life science, technologies and art, and regional literature about Western, Eastern and Northern Europe and South America. About 10.000 items are added monthly. There are links to holding libraries and the KVK for searching holdings at other libraries globally or at booksellers. Some libraries extract article references from 1500 printed periodicals, often not available online elsewhere.
schulzspeyer: modern library shelves
search example with hints to content page, facets and just added data

Seven good reasons for dandelon.com

1. Deep indexing for more specific search results

2. No fees for private use

3. We do never misuse your user data

4. There is no advertising

5. Monitor latest additions in realtime before you deliver your papers or thesis, use button "Newest"

6. Connects you to libraries for physical access

7. Automatic display of content